@article{beeid,bibtex_show={true},title={Honeybee re-identification in video, new datasets and experimental study of the impact of self-supervision},author={Chan, Jeffrey and Carrión, Héctor and Mégret, Rémi and Agosto, Jóse and Giray, Tugrul},journal={Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications},year={2022},doi={10.5220/0010843100003124},poster={cvpr2022_cv4animals_honeybee_reid_poster.pdf}}
Automated Video Monitoring of Unmarked and Marked Honeybees at the Hive Entrance
@article{beepose,bibtex_show={true},title={Automated Video Monitoring of Unmarked and Marked Honeybees at the Hive Entrance},author={Rodriguez, Ivan and Chan, Jeffrey and Alvarez-Rios, Manuel and Branson, Kristin and Agosto, Jóse and Giray, Tugrul and Mégret, Rémi},journal={Frontiers in Computer Science},year={2021},doi={10.3389/fcomp.2021.769338}}
Sequence tube maps: making graph genomes intuitive to commuters
Beyer, Wolfgang,
Novak, Adam M,
Hickey, Glenn,
Chan, Jeffrey,
Tan, Vanessa,
Paten, Benedict,
and Zerbino, Daniel R
@article{beyer2019sequence,bibtex_show={true},title={Sequence tube maps: making graph genomes intuitive to commuters},author={Beyer, Wolfgang and Novak, Adam M and Hickey, Glenn and Chan, Jeffrey and Tan, Vanessa and Paten, Benedict and Zerbino, Daniel R},journal={Bioinformatics},volume={35},number={24},pages={5318},year={2019},publisher={Oxford University Press},code={https://vgteam.github.io/sequenceTubeMap/},website={https://vgteam.github.io/sequenceTubeMap/},doi={10.1093/bioinformatics/btz597}}